Veterans for Common Sense Releases Complete Casualty Count for Iraq and Afghanistan Wars
The grand total of U.S. killed, wounded, injured, and ill for the Iraq
and Afghanistan wars reached nearly 67,000 at the end of July 2007, according to casualty reports published by the Department
of Defense on August 4, 2007. For July 2007, there were 1,720 U.S. casualties. This means more than 55 U.S. service
members killed, wounded, injured, or ill each day.
Veterans for Common Sense obtained this information after filing a Freedom
of Information Act request with the Department of Defense, Defense Manpower Data Center , Statistical Analysis Division.
In response the DoD provided VCS with links to their complete casualty reports for both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Thank you,
Paul Sullivan
Executive Director
Veterans for Common Sense
1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, Suite 203
Washington, DC 20003
(202) 491-6953